The Ted Hughes Poetry Trail

The much loved former Poet Laureate, Ted Hughes, spent much of his later life living in Devon, and cared deeply for the natural world and the landscape he found there. Visitors to Stover Country Park near Bovey Tracey in Devon, can follow the Ted Hughes Poetry Trail, and enjoy some of his work in a setting created to benefit the wildlife that he loved, and worked to conserve. sign Along the two mile trail, specially designed posts display Hughes’ poems, each with a nature or wildlife theme. There is also a children’s trail, guaranteed to spark an interest in poetry. There are sixteen poetry posts and the walk takes about two hours, longer if like me, you’re on a photography walk as well! worm cormorant otter Some of the Ted Hughes poems around the trail are An Otter, A Cormorant, Nightjar, Trees, The Lake, The Kingfisher, The Thought-Fox, and Dragonfly. I didn’t see all sixteen, so I’ll have to go back! mouse There are beautiful wood carvings, and the constant sound of woodland and water birds,  with little rustlings and shufflings in the woods to keep you company. trail   Ted Hughes found the countryside inspiring and his unique voice continues to inspire both adults and children. If you don’t know his work, I hope you will try to discover it, especially the poem ‘ The thought Fox’, you can hear him reading it on the this is what he said about it.

Long after I am gone, as long as a copy of the poem exists, every time anyone reads it the fox will get up somewhere out in the darkness and come walking towards them.

23 thoughts on “The Ted Hughes Poetry Trail

      1. I have read some here and here as well as Sylvia’s but do not have a burning interest in poetry. I had one of his books (something about love letters?) some years after Sylvia passed.

  1. A lovely post Gilly. Made me want to come and walk the trail. The poems show a humour I haven’t ever associated with Hughes. The wood carvings are beautiful, and I want to hear rustlings and shufflings too! Not quite the sound effects of the Australian bush.

    The call to visit England is getting stronger and stronger, thanks to you, Jo and Jude.

  2. I love this idea of a poetry trail, Gilly. It reminds me of the days when I did my student teaching back in 1978. I took my students on a walk in the woods and we took turns reading parts of Thoreau’s essay “Walking.” It was one of my most successful lessons ever. 🙂

      1. I only did student teaching for one semester in college, then I taught all really low-level students in a high school in Virginia for one semester. That semester was so horrible, I swore I would never teach again. Yet here I am.

        I think English poetry or essays would be beyond the reach of my Chinese students. Most of them can’t understand the most basic things in English. But neither can I in Chinese!

  3. I had no idea he had a connection with Devon. You are a star finding yet another place for our visit list. Maybe you are trying to get us to move there!! 😉

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