5 Photos 5 Stories Day #1

For those of you that live in different climates, these are violets, the wild version of our much loved garden violas and pansies. violets

Whenever I see a carpet of these tiny beauties,  I am transported back to my childhood. There was a tiny little roll of half inch wide, mauve sweeties, and as soon as you opened the packet the scent exploded. When you put them in your mouth it was difficult to decide if you were tasting the taste, or tasting the fragrance. In fact some people would say they taste like old ladies soap. But I didn’t care, they were heaven on my tongue.

Parma Violets were first made in 1930 in Derbyshire, England, by the Swizzels Matlow company and apparently they now make giant Parma Violets, where are they, I need them?  I believe they are a love or hate thing. Now I’m sure there are some of you that remember them, or perhaps still eat them, so tell me do you think they are delicious or disgusting? Of course they don’t smell like these real violets, but nevertheless  a sweet and tempting smell.

Jude at Travel Words has nominated me for the ‘Five Photos, Five Stories’ challenge, and I would like to nominate Tony at 2far2shout, a brilliant storyteller who takes a mean photo too.

Tony there’s no obligation, have fun if you want to!

The challenge is to just  “post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge”.